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Maintaining a healthy athletic body requires a combination of a balanced diet, exercise and recovery protocols, and regular visits to the chiropractor to insure that all of these elements remain in balance.  At EAC, our physicians are experts in assisting in the maintenance of their athlete/patients through a variety of services.  Typically, a combination of these services is needed by most EAC patients to achieve and maintain peak performance.  Dr. Ryan and Dr. Silosky will recommend the best combination of protocols for each individual.  Some of the services provided are:



The body has an electrical system within it, and surrounding it. If anything impacts the system that does not maintain or enhance your health and your body’s function, your muscles are unable to hold their strength when being tested. The doctor is able to diagnose the problem and properly treat it based on where the problem is in the system.



An ancient form of alternative medicine in which the doctor puts special cups on your skin for a several minutes to create suction. Patients receive this treatment for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.



The doctor applies pressure and a thrust to the spine or extremities that have abnormal movement patterns or fail to function normally. The popping sound typically heard with an adjustment is a release of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide from the restricted area. The adjustment is used to treat the problems found with muscle testing.



A specialized form of therapy in which the doctor puts certain types of pressure on muscle tissues or performs specific stretching in attempt to decrease muscle spasms, tension, pain and dysfunction anywhere on the body.


A system of complementary medicine that involves pricking the skin or tissues with needles, used to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, emotional, and digestive conditions.


This is an alternative to acupuncture. Energy flows through the electrical system in our body, and may be blocked due to mental or physical problems. Pressure is applied by the doctor to specific acupuncture points to help clear the blockages in the electrical system that are found during muscle testing.



The nutrients in our food are designed to maintain the body.  Getting the proper combination of these nutrients creates a chemistry in the body that allows the athlete to perform at their peak.  Not getting the proper nutrients or eating in a way that negatively impacts the body will show when the demands on the body are made, but not met.  EAC Physicians work with the athletes to educate, and recommend the best combination of nutrients to keep them at their very best. 

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